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The Like Attracts Like Podcast

Jun 24, 2019

Think of your Radio .. and its antenna ...  the music and information is not inside of it.. but it is required to access the vibration of frequency what you want to listen to is on..  We work the same way... You are antenna .. and all around you is every idea, thought, or song ever created... and that ever will be created .. it exists all at once at the same time... We choose what we want to tune into and experience.. Good.. or Bad... We choose..  Better things exist on higher frequencies than Lower ones...  Your only job is to find the ways to tune into the frequencies you want to experience life on ... Not to dive into problems at the same negative energy level that was needed to created them... Choose to be happy and tune into the higher vibration resonating all around you ..ALWAYS...  Let's practice this together in every moment we can...   Much Love ...

~ Pat